2018 VAP to VAE: Implications for the Respiratory Therapist

Because there is no reliable definition for ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), the CDC convened a multidisciplinary group to develop a surveillance definition. The result is a tiered approach that focuses on ventilator-associated events (VAE). A ventilator-associated condition (VAC) is defined as worsening oxygenation after a period of stability or improvement on the ventilator. An infection-related ventilator-associated complication (IVAC) is associated with measures of body temperature, or white blood cell count, and initiation of a new antimicrobial agent. Assessment of respiratory secretions informs the definition of possible or probable VAP. The VAE definitions will detect a wide variety of complications in patients on mechanical ventilation. VAE surveillance will require close working relationships among respiratory therapists and infection prevention personnel. VAE prevention presents many opportunities for respiratory therapists. These include use of noninvasive ventilation, implementation of lung-protective ventilation strategies, ventilator discontinuation protocols, and VAP prevention strategies. 

**Please note that all programs require the participant to view the entire program prior to taking the final quiz and obtaining a course certificate.**

Seminar Information
Seminar Date:
January 01, 2018
Expiration Date:
October 01, 2018 12:00 AM
Seminar Objectives
  • Explain why monitoring of ventilator-associated pneumonia is unreliable.
  • Given FiO2 and PEEP, determine whether a ventilator-associated condition is present.
  • Distinguish between ventilator-associated condition (VAC), infection-related ventilator-associated complication (IVAC), possible and probable ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP).
  • Describe strategies that can be used by respiratory therapists to lower the risk of ventilator-associated conditions (VAC).
VAP to VAE: Implications for the Respiratory Therapist
Speaker Information
Kathy Deakins MHA, RRT-NPS, FAARC   [ view bio ]
Dean Hess PhD, RRT, FAARC   [ view bio ]
Individual topic purchase: Selected
American Association for Respiratory Care
Continuing Education: 1.00
This seminar is no longer available for purchase.