2018 Leadership Institute-Research Track

This series of courses was designed to provide real-world education for respiratory therapists who wish to expand their breadth and depth of knowledge beyond the clinical realm. The Leadership Institute was designed and developed by content experts in respiratory care education, management, and research. The information and activities in the Leadership Institute provide a foundation for future growth in your career.

The content of this track is based on critical competencies of respiratory care researchers and developed by content experts. The Research Track will provide the learner with a strong foundation for research in respiratory care.

Each of the six (6) modules contain a short video, text-based course content, and a 3-question post-module quiz. The comprehensive post-course test contains 20 questions. A score of 80% (16/20) is required to pass the course.


This course is sponsored in part by an unrestricted educational grant from


**Please note that all programs require the participant to view the entire program prior to taking the final quiz and obtaining a course certificate.**

User reviews for Leadership Institute-Research Track:

"I absolutely loved every topic within this program."

Seminar Information
Seminar Date:
January 01, 2018
Expiration Date:
October 01, 2018 12:00 AM
Seminar Objectives
  • Explain the importance of research to the profession of Respiratory Care.
  • Explain the importance of ethics in research design and implementation.
  • Obtain a certificate of completion for the National Institutes of Health online course” Protecting Human Subjects”.
  • Explain the scientific method.
  • Develop your own example of a study problem with hypothesis based upon the scientific method.
  • Identify the devices used in performing physical measurement in clinical research.
  • Demonstrate the interface and integration of physical measurement devices in performing clinical research.
  • Explain how to assure and document accuracy of results obtained through physical measurement devices.
  • Build a U-tube manometer and use it in a research problem.
  • Explain the steps in developing a research study.
  • Identify a research problem and explain its relevance to the practice of respiratory care.
  • Based upon your identified research problem develop the study idea to include identification of the major outcome variable and how it will be measured, a timeline for the experiment and data collection, and an explanation of how study subjects will be obtained.
  • Explain the relevance of a literature search to research.
  • Discuss how literature resources are classified based upon their rigor.
  • Conduct a literature search on Pub Med and download a minimum of 5 background articles.
  • Prepare a clinical research design to include the sample size with justification, the process to obtain/enroll study participants, and the experiment design.
  • Develop a research protocol based upon the IRB study protocol.
  • Discuss basic statistical concepts.
  • Explain statistics for nominal measures and how to apply in clinical research data.
  • Explain statistics for ordinal measures and how to apply in clinical research data.
  • Explain statistics for continuous measures and how to apply in clinical research data.
  • Apply appropriate statistical analysis to clinical research data.
  • Identify the formats for reporting and sharing clinical research results.
  • Write a research abstract.
  • Write a research paper based on conducted clinical research.
  • Prepare a poster presentation on the research paper completed in previous competencies.
Welcome to the Leadership Institute-Research Track

This course is sponsored in part by an unrestricted educational grant from

Speaker Information
Robert Chatburn MHHS, RRT-NPS, FAARC   [ view bio ]
Overview of Respiratory Care Research and Ethics
Speaker Information
Robert Chatburn MHHS, RRT-NPS, FAARC   [ view bio ]
Performing Physical Measurements in Research
Speaker Information
Robert Chatburn MHHS, RRT-NPS, FAARC   [ view bio ]
Basic Statistiscs
Speaker Information
Robert Chatburn MHHS, RRT-NPS, FAARC   [ view bio ]
Planning the Study
Speaker Information
Robert Chatburn MHHS, RRT-NPS, FAARC   [ view bio ]
Creating the Study Protocol
Speaker Information
Robert Chatburn MHHS, RRT, FAARC   [ view bio ]
Reporting Clinical Research Results
Speaker Information
Robert Chatburn MHHS, RRT-NPS, FAARC   [ view bio ]
Individual topic purchase: Selected
American Association for Respiratory Care
Continuing Respiratory Care Education: 15.00
This seminar is no longer available for purchase.